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How Many Paintball players does it take to change a lightbulb?
- One front guy, but he would need to stand on the back of a support player from his team.
- One back player, he'll start changing the lightbulb while yelling "go, go, go" to the front guy.
- One beginning electro-player, but he'd need about 30 lightbulbs to get one in the socket.
- One diehard cocker-freak, but he'd replace the electric bulb with an oil lamp.
- A full team of rec-ballers, if you ask any pro.
- One Tom Kaye. His lightbulb, though, would have only one moving part which wouldn't need replacing under normal conditions.
- One tinkerer. He'd design a machine to replace the lightbulb and prevent further burn-outs.
- One Ravi Chopra. He'd afterwards write a review about the new lamp and compare it to the old one, though.
- One crazy-rambo player, although he'd leave the room dark and trade the broken lightbulb for a paint grenade.
- One yuppie-pro player. He'll also change two extra lightbulbs and smack-talk about your car while doing it.
- One misguided player. He'd replace the light bulb even before it broke with a bulb of another brand, "just because".
- A small handful of marketing department guys. They'd also make it clear that their new, improved lightbulb provides more light and improves accuracy, and come in over 8 colors plus fades and splashes.
- One pump player. He'll click the light switch on and off once before every attempt at changing a bulb.
- One cheating player. He'll change the lightbulb in your house after the lightbulb in his house had been already changed, and will make numerous tries to convince the refs into believing otherwise.
Then there are players who brag about changing numerous lightbulbs at one time, players who haven't been able to because their lightbulb has been in repair for over 7 months, players who constantly short-screw their lightbulbs so that they break in the socket etc.

Bryan "Azzy" Spiegel