Some poll ideas.
1) Should RR set aside Saturday and Sunday as public open games instead of the current policy of having Sunday as the only public open game?
2) Should RR install portable toilets, one for males & one for females, at the field?
3) Should RR look into two large road signs, instead of the current small sign, facing both directions on the street and indicating the location of the field?
Add a large sign on Old Brownshill Road?
Add a large sign where the street and the wooded entrance meet--indicating you need to walk this direction to access the field?
4) Should RR hold a special event one weekend a month where players from RR take on players from a competing field?
<Perhaps return the favor and play the same type of game at the competing field. You would have to register players and set limits on how many could play. Say 100 RR players vs 100 players from another field Saturday and Sunday in scenerio paintball. Winning field could get a trophy or something. Players would be rewarded with great fun.>
5) Should RR make their field shirts with logo available for purchase every Sunday during open field play?
6) Should RR add make more tables and chairs available for players?
7) Should RR produce yearly or Summer<months of June thru Sept> cards available for purchase at all times at the field?
<The cards would provide players with discounts to play at the field and reduce cost of purchasing field paint. Also with a physical card in hand it would be easy for the player and field to monitor who does/does not have a pass. The pass would be timed stamp as to when they expire and the field could keep a record of pass owners on a computer. The players name and date they purchased the card could be kept so "cheaters" who try to produce fake cards could be caught.>

Should RR produce a short paintball film once a month and add it to their web page for visitors to view?
9) Should RR ask players to volunteer to visit the field once a month and help with cleaning and maintaining the field?
10) Should RR consider selling cold bottled water at the field every Sunday during open games?
<Giant Eagle brand water is very cheap. One or two coolers filled with ice could be kept at the field and the water bottles would be placed in the coolers to keep them cold. Thirsty players would probably purchase them pretty fast if they know ahead of time that cold water was being sold at the field>