Hey all,
Just wanted to say hi, and had a few questions ( I ahve been searching for weeks now with no finds). My name is Mike, and hopfully amist my busy schedule I will be getting into the world of paintball this coming year. A bunch of guys from my fire station (Monroeville 5) have gotten into it so I decided I might as well. They originally were going to get into airsoft so I bought a bunch of that stuff, then they got those banned from the Firestation for having BBs laying all over the place.

I told them If I go out and buy all this stuff for paint ball and they quit before next year I'm going to be "highly upset" (actual remarks NC-17

Anyways I had a few questions.
-I totally understand that you have to purchase and use field supplied paint. Now my question is do you allow any other types of weapons like Hand grenades or reusable mines grenades? I have two mines from Major paintball that use 12oz cartriges and a liquid paint. Is there a way to get them approved if so?
-I was looking at the field and wasn't sure if the whole field is used at once or if you have skirmishes at selected placments? Is there time limits for matches?
-What kind of equipment other than lasers are not permited?
I'm in the process of building a Tippmann A-5 more than likly into a sniper rifle. Yeah yeah I have read on some sites there is no such thing as a paintball sniper. Then other sites say there are. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I know there is more involed with being a sniper than sitting and waiting especially due to the actual longshot capabilities (or lack there of) of paintball guns.
So far I have purchased a J&J ceramic 16 barrell and Special Ops A-5 M249 Air through stock. I still need to get a tac cap, remote line and bottle, some type of raised weaver mount or raised dove tail mount and some tyep of optics. The wife is getting me all my ghillie and camo for Christmas
Anyways, thats my short intro and question post. Hope I get help instead of flamed

. Now I just hope I have enough time between work and travelling for my club (Motorcycles and cars), to allow me pursue this addition hobby. I asked my wife if she wante dto get involved with me but she is too afriad its going to hurt to much.....