We welcome you back for the 2nd Annual Riverside Renegades Toys For Tots Benefit Game. Help needy children wake up Christmas morning and find something from Santa, by bringing a new, unwrapped toy
($15-$20 suggested worth) to
Riverside Renegade Paintball, Saturday , December 10th, and Sunday December 11th. We've expanded to 2 days so we can hopefully triple the amount of toys raised last year. Your toy donation counts as your admission to the field that day, with rental, CO2 and all the normal amenities included (paint not included, field paint only). As always, please call ahead and let us know if you are coming, 412.462.4661. Game will be on Snow Or Shine, as our outdoor staging area is now heated! Stop by our
forums and chat about the game, and stop by the
Toys For Tots websitefor more info on this great service the United States Marine Corps provides every year.
[url=http://riversiderenegades.com/downloads/PDF/2005/tft-flyer.pdf]-Download the flyer here-

Bryan "Azzy" Spiegel