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Michigan Monster Game 05 http://riversiderenegades.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=204 |
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Author: | prince valiant [ Fri Jan 14, 2005 4:27 pm ] |
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just a little update, me and azzy are trying to get info on the field paint at michigan. i may try to have a case shipped to us so we can test it out and get a first hand try of the stuff. that way also azzy could test it in some of his vintage guns that may have only one barrel size. i am going to try to get this info/paint asap so that we can figure out what we/you want to do. so everyone can go and have a good time. after all that is my goal |
Author: | kzuroski [ Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:15 pm ] |
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that's cool. thanks for doing this. |
Author: | Fets [ Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:33 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: FPO |
prince valiant wrote: i have a question, those that say they are not going if it is fpo only why is that? you are going to let a 50-60 dollar case of paint get in your way of a good game? or is it cause you want a particular brand of paint. how much was you planning/thinking you would spend on paint for michigan? i'm sorry if you are not going to the game cause of this lets keep this discussion going, but keep it civilized I think it is dissapointing that the owner has given into greed and changed to FPO. I am not saying fields are greedy for requiring FPO, they certainly have to make money. But if the monster game wants to make that switch they should lower the entry cost perhaps. I mean 3000 people paying a $50 entry fee means he is making $150,000 just on entry fees! That is a pretty good weekend (And I obviously realize that much more work goes into this than just one weekend). I guess I am just ranting, it is still a very reasonable price for, what I hear, is an incredible weekend. If I can get the money and time off I plan to attend and have a blast. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Author: | Fets [ Sun Feb 06, 2005 11:48 am ] |
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I have an update on the FPO situation that I found while surfing. It seems the owner is concerned about having too many players attend and this is the method they chose to use in limiting attendance to managable numbers. They were concerned about safety issues/parking/camping/etc. Here are two reviews from players that went and tested the Fireball Paint. http://www.a5og.net/forum/showthread.php?t=17375 http://www.a5og.net/forum/showthread.php?t=17346 Not sure if anyone else has run across these reviews but they are pretty inclusive and they make the paint sound pretty good. - Fets |
Author: | prince valiant [ Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:25 pm ] |
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not sure exactly why they went to field paint only. i wish they would not have done this, but only because i prefer marbs. they may have gone fpo for safety reason like bud does. it is to keep dangerous paint off the field. have you ever been hit with hard paint? question fets, how much was you going to be paying for paint if it was not fpo? just curious |
Author: | Fets [ Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:54 pm ] |
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prince valiant wrote: question fets, how much was you going to be paying for paint if it was not fpo? just curious
I honestly didn't have a price in mind. Like I said, (or maybe forgot to say) I am not bothered by the price of the paint so much as the (in my opinion) inherent greed they are showing by making this switch. And I truely believe they need to and deserve to make money. And they are charging a good price for the paint. I can really understand them needing to limit the players though, but why not just restrict registration? I am currently in the process of trying to get some of my friends to go though, I hope to be there with you guys. |
Author: | Fets [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:00 am ] |
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Couple of questions for you guys: 1. Is camping free at the Monster Game? If not what is the cost? 2. Do you guys all caravan up there? 3. Do you guys have anything posted on here that would help a first timer get ready for the game. Such as, what to take and what not to take. I know there are a couple guys that have been to quite a few games. All the Questions I can think of tonight. |
Author: | prince valiant [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:17 am ] |
Post subject: | my rant |
okay here goes people. i know i have not been on here in a while. sorry. i have posted a few times here tonight, if you have read those you kind of know what to expect here. one azzy and i have gotten very poor response to the 05 mmg. i am now kind of understanding why bud kind of got out of planning these things. i think i have been doing it for 5+ years now. right now azzy thinks that we should leave it up to you guys to register and get transport yourself. maybe i am an old salt our something. cause the one reason for leaving it up to you guys this year is because we are not saving anything on paint this year. we never really had much of a discount on paint anyway. unless you go back in the day when bud was organizing it and we were paying 80 bucks for marbs, when they retailed for 100+. before i go any farther. azzy i am sorry if i upset you in anyway. or anyone else out there. that is not my goal. my goal is to light a fire under some of your behinds. i want you all to understand that azzy and i have jobs and lives outside of this. and organizing this group does take a lot of work. believe me if i could get the renegades organized more i have a lot of good ideas. back to mmg, i am not a cruel man. what i want is a number of how many people are serious in going to mmg. and you know i will help you in any way that i can. i have loaned people money in the past to go. jez how much more do you want. but i think 3-4 people have gotten back to me about going and the same for azzy. so i guess we only have 10 people going this year. so we are going to have a deadline here if i don't here from anymore people that are serious about mmg by feb 25. well then everyone will be on there own to register themselves, get themselves to hell, michigan, find themselves a place to stay wherever that may be. last year azzy and joe l. busted there butt getting up there friday or thursday night (can't remeber) to get enough camping spaces for those that needed them would have them. some folks bring food and get little if any money for it in return, yet they feed anyone who wants. you see we don't get anything out of this. no one pays us, we get squat, nada. so why do we do this? well i can only speak for myself, i do it cause i like it. i like organizing the renegades into a group that know how to and want to work together to be an awesome force. maybe cause i have witnessed this in person and it is an awesome feeling. granted in the past we tried to get a paint discount for everyone, ne ot just me and or azzy everyone. so please someone let me know why you guys can't let me or azzy know you are coming and go tell those renegades that may not check the forums that much or not have a computer to call us or email us that they are going. and talk up the game at the field, have those people with questions contact me. cause with out the numbers i makes it hard to find camping for everyone. so if you don't tell me you are coming and there is no place for you to stay when you are a couple of hundred miles from home don't come crying to me. but hey no one said you have to go up with the renegades. i am done for know. at least until feb. 25, 2005. |
Author: | ajg1 [ Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:08 pm ] |
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I under stand how you feel the turn out has been lower and lower as the years passed. This year it seemed if we were all scattered about (not in the game). Of-course there is less interest right now it is the winter time not that many people are playing right now. Once spring starts and the weather changes we will all catch the paintball bug again and ALL will be talking about going to MMG 05 and so what about the paint issue. That should not turn you away. We do not go there because of the fact that we can use our own paint we go because of the great time we have. I think the only issues with the paint is paint to barrel match but every one will have that to deal with as well as brittle/hard paint. But no one said any thing about the lines that you have to wait in to get your paint. I am not looking forward to that but If you think about it I just drove 6+ hours to play what is 15-20 more minuets? Feb 25 is too early to give up ship wait till the weather changes and more people are playing. WE just have to hype people up about going as much as possible. I know that I am in. |
Author: | prince valiant [ Sat Feb 12, 2005 2:21 am ] |
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alright. i see what you are saying about the winter time. so the new deadline is april 15, 2005. is this better? |
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