
Interesting thread started at Hell Survivor's forums:
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Author:  Fets [ Thu May 11, 2006 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Interesting thread started at Hell Survivor's forums:

http://www.hellsurvivors.com/forum/inde ... wtopic=299

Author:  mad man 1 [ Thu May 11, 2006 8:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

that was me who posted that i wanted to see if people liek the cheating blue crew over us

Author:  Fets [ Thu May 11, 2006 8:08 pm ]
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lol - nice. People don't seem to like BC too much over there.

Author:  mad man 1 [ Thu May 11, 2006 8:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

there all like put bc on this team and stuff like it really matters wut they do. the only thing people look for up there are the skullz.

Author:  jefdee [ Thu May 11, 2006 8:56 pm ]
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Author:  prince valiant [ Thu May 11, 2006 8:58 pm ]
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i would not mind going against bc, but don't think we will get the chance

Author:  mad man 1 [ Thu May 11, 2006 9:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

bc is not on my mind

Author:  Fets [ Thu May 11, 2006 9:29 pm ]
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What is the deal with them not having to use the field paint last year either. I don't care if you are sponsored or not - if I have to shoot the field paint they should. That was my biggest beef. I don't know if they cheat or not.

I know the big complaint is how self server they are when they submit articles to magazines that they write for. I know they have to promote themselves and their sponsors - but I didn't not read the article so I don't know how bad it was.

Author:  Azzy [ Fri May 12, 2006 1:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I havent ever had a bad experiance playing with or against Blue's Crew, in fact reguarly talk with some of the members online and consider them friends. I know that long ago there were some problems at a castle conquest game, and from what I know, those people for the most part are not involved anymore. I also know that the issues that were had last or the year before were not with BC, but members of PA Pubcrawling, who base at EMR as does BC.

Now I also cant read that forum because you need to sign up... gonna pass on that.

As for the paint thing, if you have a contractual agreement to be seen using a specific item when you play paintball or any other sport, that's your job. Sponsorships arent about getting free stuff, they are about advertising for someone. Its a job. Same as if we were to get sponsored by a certain company for jerseys, and we played at the 2nd Shatnerball game (which required each side to wear a certain jersey, included in the entry fee) there would be an issue.

Author:  Fets [ Fri May 12, 2006 1:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Azzy wrote:
As for the paint thing, if you have a contractual agreement to be seen using a specific item when you play paintball or any other sport, that's your job. Sponsorships arent about getting free stuff, they are about advertising for someone. Its a job. Same as if we were to get sponsored by a certain company for jerseys, and we played at the 2nd Shatnerball game (which required each side to wear a certain jersey, included in the entry fee) there would be an issue.

Oh, I hear you Azzy. But if we all have to use FPO at HS because their insurance company thinks it is the only way to be safe - then there should not be an exception to that rule.

I mean, if I have a contract with Draxxus to only shoot Inferno does that mean Hell Survivors should allow me to bring my own case of Inferno to the Monster Game? You see what I am saying? I pay the same entry fee as anyone else who pre-registers for the game why should they get special treatment?

I am sure Draxxus would not mind if I drafted up a contract with them for my "team" to only shoot Inferno and pay full price for it. Just because it is not free doesn't mean it is not a contracual agreement.

It just gets under my skin a little bit.

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