If you're certain that you're going, you should register. Go to
The bunkhouses are free, but you'll still need sleeping bags, etc because the bunkhouses are really nothing more than 16 plywood bunks and a roof over your head
The actual castle game starts around 10:00am or so on Saturday and lasts until the attackers win. The game is really supposed to last until the attackers obtain all of the props within the castle, or until 3 hours have elapsed. Last year we defended the castle past the time limit, but they kept the game going until the attackers won. Fixed, but still a lot of fun.
Azzy and I will be attacking with the crew from mcarterbrown.com
I'm hoping to get to our field quite a bit this spring...it'll be much easier to describe the whole EMR experience in person.
Like JT mentioned, check out
www.mcarterbrown.com (if you haven't already). The CASTLE talk will start any day now