Best bet, rent and borrow, see what you like, and then go from there. Good beginner setups can be had from Tippman, and PMI. Good deals can be had on ebay as well, I reguarly see AutoMags and Cockers going for around 200 dollars.
First thing you want to buy paintball wise is a mask. Find a good one, and make sure you like it, because you will be wearing it a lot. Vforce makes a well priced good mask, that is resistant to foggin and has a good viewing range. The JT Spectra is very comfortable, and can be added to with thermal lenses of many colors, as well as visors and fans.
Feel free to ask to shoot any of the guns I have, you can see a lot of them here: ... egade_Azzy . You might even reconise some of the old pumps I have (Sheridan PGP and a Brass Eagle Cobra "Power Pump")
Shoot what feels good to you. To quote
Doc Nickel:
-Given the same barrel, paint and consistency, a Talon is equally as accurate as an Excalibur.
...Pull trigger, ball goes bye-bye. Repeat.
Bryan "Azzy" Spiegel