
Cycling problem with VM-68
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Author:  MadCat [ Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Cycling problem with VM-68

I recently replaced the cup-seal and o-rings on one of my VM's. Before the replacement, it was venting pretty badly down the barrel -- pretty clear cup-seal problem if you ask me.

Well, I replaced the cupseal and bolt / hammer o-rings. Everything looks okay -- no buldges or seams on the rings. Added some light lube and started to test.

When I gas it up, it holds the air just fine. When I fire it, it sounds like it goes "full auto" for about 3 seconds, then stops. I re-cock it...fire...full auto again. The sear is the same exact height as before...all I did was replace some o-rings and seals.

I was using a full 9oz tank at the time...so it's not necessarily an air issue.

I'm going to break it down again tonight and re-assemble (just to make sure that neither of the valve retaining screws are intruding on the valve spring.

any ideas out there?


Author:  prince valiant [ Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

what6 position is your valve in (what position is the dimple)?

is the hammer o-ring good? and the proper one?

i'll be home tonight if you need to give me a call

Author:  MadCat [ Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

right now it's set to 12 o'clock (big hole). I believe that the bolt adjustment is set to half.

The o-rings all look good to me. No slack, no dimples or seams. They have a nice tight fit.

I have no idea how old the bolt spring is, but it seems to be in great condition.

I just have to break it apart again to make sure that nothing is wrong...

I'll post more after I test it again


Author:  MadCat [ Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, I took it apart again. This time I adjusted the bolt velocity screw to roughly half-way and set the valve adjustment to 6 o'clock. It cycles just fine now...but I have no idea what it's FPS it's set to :?

Once I'm done installing the bottom-line adapter and female stabe, I'll open the valve and bolt so I can just use the stabe to control velocity. It's a royal pain to adjust VMs any other way!

Author:  Phoenix [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

could be a couple things, one is the bolt spring or bolt Oring, or bad cup seal spring, i have a few of each if you need.

Author:  MadCat [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks! I have a few o-rings left...so I should be okay for now. It cycles fine now, but I haven't shot any balls through it to gauge the FPS it's set to.

I have a few parts from Cooper-T due in early this week. After I get the bottom-line installed, I'll be able to run 20oz on it. All of my smaller tanks are empty -- but I have quite a few full 20oz's :)

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