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 Post subject: closed bolts
PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:40 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 25, 2004 9:12 pm
Posts: 258
Location: Greenfield
is it true that closed bolt guns are more accurate.....what, if any, advantages do they give the user? :?

CJ Simpson
"If it moves....shoot it

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 12:09 am 
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No. Pure marketing hype. Long ago argued, and still hyped.

All guns fire from a closed bolt... if not, than your paintball would shoot back into the hopper and make a mess. heck, at certain firing speeds, the timing between fire and bolt movement is the same in a closed bolt gun as in an open bolt gun. The accuracy wont change at that point for some mystical reason.

The only factors in accuracy are consistent paint, a good launch tube (barrel) and your ability to hit more than the broad side of a barn. A consistent power supply (air system) has more of an effect on where the ball lands....

Bryan "Azzy" Spiegel

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 1:53 am 

Joined: Sat Feb 07, 2004 12:42 pm
Posts: 287
Closed bolt guns in some cases ARE more accurate yet they arn't. If you bench mounted a closed bolt gun and an open bolt gun with the same barrel and paint etc. they would both have the same accuracy.

But most closed bolt guns have less recoil when firing compared to an open bolt blow back. This recoil will throw your aim off a little making the gun appear less accurate. The reason is there is more mass slaming foward backward, ussally at a higher speed then closed bolt. When a pump or autococker fires only a small hammer inside his the valve, but cock back spyder or tippmann and fire it and you will see it moved a few MM's, enough to throw off your shot by a couple inches at range. Also closed bolt guns like autocockers use low presure to recock which causes less "impact" and provides less recoil.

However a high end open bolt gun like an intimadatior, bko, impulse operates at a lower presure with less bolt mass so you won't have these recoil problems.

Another reason closed bolt guns are thought to be more accurate is because with a closed bolt gun you need to match the paint to barrel will or you will have roll out(annoying especially with a pump), so people are forced to match them for years which made them appear more accurate.

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