OK, this works for any closed bolt gun (seen it on a Trracer, Phantom, Shocker, Cocker, At-10...)
Clean the barrel very good, use windex to get any waxy or oily crud out or off.
cut a 1" piece of electrical tape
Place the tape on the barrel, midway between the cut ends
Smooth the tape into the barrel, making sure it doesnt slide from where it first sat. Bumps and seams will just tear through paintballs, make sure it is smooth.
smooth out the tape on the outside in the sam manner.
Screw on barrel.
Now some barrels may fit tight to the body of the gun, in that case, this wont work (my Stock Class Maverick is like that). The other trick is the old nail polish trick. just place a dab of nail polish so it forms a bump in the barrel where the paintball can rest, about 1/2" in.let it dry, try it out. Repeat if neccesary.
Other option, ask PPS to add wedgits to your barrel. Same thing, only permanent. Or get a smaller bore barrel, J&J will make them, might be able to get one from lapco as well.
As for bottom lines, you need to find a eurogrip bottomline adapter, or a lonestar bottomline adapter (should work, never tried).
Or buy a 45 grip from CCI (or anywhere else) and it should be set with normal inline holes for traditional drops/cages/duckbills.
_________________ Later,
Bryan "Azzy" Spiegel