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Author:  WhiteEagle [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  HPA VS ANTI-SIPHON

As many of you all may know i have a Ion and i was wondering Is it worth

buying an HPA tank? Right now i have a 20oz anti-siphon. I was looking at

the Dye Throttle 70ci 4500psi(Peanut) or a PMI 45ci 4500 psi. I heard

that finding a crossfire is nearly impossible right now because they are

behind in manufacturing them i donno if its true or not. Their tanks are at

a more reasonable price. Pheonix you said that u just picked up Dye

Throttle is it good for the price?

Author:  Azzy [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 12:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, you cant beat the bang for your buck you get with CO2. A 12 or 14oz tank can get you similar amounts of shots per fill that a 68/3000 can.. and costs a heck of a lot less.

The downside is the enviromental concerns, ie outside temps.

Author:  WhiteEagle [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 9:09 am ]
Post subject: 

So is it worth getting or it really doesnt matter?

Author:  prince valiant [ Tue Jul 05, 2005 3:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

alright here is my opinion.

co2 is fine if you have a decent reg. i have used co2 for a number of years and just started using hpa in the last two years, mainly this year has been hpa. i never had a problem with co2. mainly used co2 cause that is what we had at rr until recently.

i just bought a dye throttle 71/45. i seems to work just fine. would have prefered a crossfire, but as some of you know they are quite hard to come buy now. however i heard that if you email crossfire directly they will send you one. don't know how true this is.

hpa is more consistent than co2, mainly the outside temp does not affect it the way it affect co2. but with them all you need to know and respect the dangers of them.

i say that if you don't need hpa and you are not daddy warbucks, then don't get hpa. but if you can afford hpa then give it a try. and do some research/ask around before you buy.

i am not a big fan of pmi hpa systems. know to many little issues with there regs mainly. they were all handled well, but who wants to run to a shop to get a problem fixed 5 or 6 times. and also it is the reg you want to find out about, not the tank. a tank is a tank is a tank. there are only a handfull of companies that make the tanks anyway.


Author:  jamesmbaldwin [ Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

I tried an HPA tank, it was a fiberwrapped 68ci, it was just too big for me, makes the gun cumbersome and harder to shoulder and aim, I tried it with many drops and it was still uncomfortable because of all the space it took up. There are of course smaller tanks but they get alot less shots then a c02 tank their size.

I ussally use 9oz or 7oz, remember most of your accuracy comes from your ability to point and aim/sight down your gun. I also use either a stablizer or automag built in reg, on tippmanns or spyders you don't really need these.

Author:  mad man 1 [ Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:20 am ]
Post subject: 

What is so special about a corssfire

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