
Been a Change in plan folks, bunch of stuff for sale!
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Author:  WhiteEagle [ Fri Oct 08, 2004 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Been a Change in plan folks, bunch of stuff for sale!

The Icon Power pack is now over :( (enless someone reply's before the stuff gets sepreatly)
Yet i will continue to sell stuff seprately

14" Progressive Barrel(Silver)- MSRP: 39.99(Thats what i paid at Punishers,the price has dropped to 35.00 at Punishers) My Price 27.00

9oz Co2 Moly-Alloy(Black) MSRP 19.99(At Dunhams Sporting Goods)
My Price 10.00

As stuff comes in i'll keep posting but for the 2 thing on here now are subject to change(not my asking price, but if they are sold on not will)
So keep reading the post as I keep ya posted!

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