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Author:  brokenBALL [ Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Pants?

I would like to start playing at reneages every sunday. When I was there before I saw some people had on olive green playing pants. So If I start playing there every weekend I would like to have a pair of those pants. So dose any one know were I could get a pair of them or any kinds of woods ball pants.

Author:  Fets [ Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

I buy uniforms on www.rangerjoes.com - never had any problems with their service. I think you can find OD Green pants on there, but I would recommend a woodland camo for Riverside. Or if you want to spend extra Digi-camo is super cool and effective.

Hey - make sure you get Ripstop pants if you are playing paintball in them. I bought some cheap BDU pants at Dick's Sporting goods (I say cheap but they cost me $25) and they ripped up the croch from one knee to the other during Monster Game. It was freaking awful.

Ask anyone that saw my sewing and duct taping them up in the staging area.

Author:  Verbious [ Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  pants

There are some surplus stores in the area that have decent deals on BDU pants. The older BDU in the woodland camo pattern are considerably cheaper since the digi camo pattern came out.

There is Ralph's Army Surplus in Monroeville. There might be a surplus store downton Pittsburgh, if it is still open.

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