okay here is the skinny.
there is no exact way of how to become an "official renegade", yet. some of us are working on a way to maybe figure this out. in the past it is just a time when you are playing down the field and after enough time people get to know you that we like the way you play. mainly that you are honorable, fair, and don't cheat. be a nice person, don't start fight, be willing to help fellow paintball players out, and be willing to learn. these are just what i think of what it takes to become a renegade. for exact info you would need to talk to buddy himself. but really there are no set ways that one becomes a renegade, it just happens, and buddy maybe the only one that know how that happens.
as far as the benifits of being a renegade. well the only one that i know of and i have been around for a long time. is that you are a renegade... you best understand that when you go to a big game like michigan that we have played at or are around people who know our rep. ask those newbs that went to michigan for the first time this year about it, they should be able to tell you about it. if not ask one of the vets.
as far as the regulars bringing marbs of there own, well that is not allowed. unless buddy let them do that, and that very rarely happens. unless the either bought it off of him or something else. that would need to be discussed with buddy regardless.
hope this helps. i have been playing over there for about 8+ years now, so if you have any question post them or pm me