i've been playing paintball now for almost 11 years. i'd like to make a few points on starting a team and sponsors. one, until you play "organized paintball" you have no concept of how the game is really played outside of shooting your buddies in the back yard. there are so many rules and regs in tournaments that you guys don't know of yet. two: trying to play as a team requires time and a lot of money for practice, you won't be going up against your buddies during tounaments, your gonna be going up against very skilled players that make their living playing the sport. unless you go to amature games, but there you are still goin up against more skilled players. as far as sponsors go, your better off tryin to get the local pizza hut to sponsor you, paintball fields (not riverside renegades) sponsors there ome team and thats about it, paintball stores really can't afford to sponsor teams cause they are too small and don't turn over a good profit to do that. the best way to get sponsored is to WIN! if you place in the top 3 in every big tournament you go into then you might have a chance for sponsor ship. by big tournaments, i'm talking about the NPPL, PSP, Chicago open, IAO, those big tournaments. if your just a local kid, just enjoy the sport of paintball, and play it safe by goin to a local field to play instead of in your back yard.
_________________ "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."