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 Post subject: Michigan Monster Game 05
PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:48 pm 
Riverside Renegade
Riverside Renegade

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we had a good year this year at Michigan, but our organization before we left was in shambles. so if we start to prepare now for MMG 05 we might be ready by next year. as soon as the dates are posted for the next MMG we will be hounding you for your preregistration. start saving your money now, $10 a paycheck will have you sitting large at the monster game. me i'm doin $20 a paycheck and getting a room for next year. sorry guys the hot showers and soft bed beat the woods any day after a hard game of paintball. and yes i'm one of the biggest outdoorsmen you'll ever find. so for now start saving your money!

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:07 pm 
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Yeah, it's hard to beat a cool swim and a hot shower after a day of PB!

 Post subject: I'd have to agree
PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 11:48 pm 
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SAVE! Hotelin' it myself next year. Although if Azzy brings his little fire sticks again, I might have to go back to the camp grounds.



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PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 12:20 am 
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Dunno.. that hotel sounds tempting.. with a pool... hmmmmm

Will miss the campfire though.

We were thinking about getting a cabin near where we camped this year, if we get it early, we can get one with electricity. Showers can be fabbed up with one of them little coleman hot shower deals (the pump one, not the bag thing)

Bryan "Azzy" Spiegel

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:26 pm 
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hotels or camping. none if it matters unless we all work together. i have been organizing or doing a majority of the organizing for about 3 - 4 years now. and you know what i enjoy it. what i don't enjoy is people with lame excuses and the like.

anyway. i will and would like to continue organizing the mmg trips or any other things. but i need your help, not only cause i travel for work but, to help me get all the others organized and recruting new people to go. but I do not think that we should go on a made recruting spree. we want to keep the groups managable and we need people who will play as a group. like this year we always do better and play better when we stick together.

i know it is hard to save money when you tried to do it your self. so like i said this year. take $5, $10, whatever and give it to me if an envelope with your name on it. i will inreturn give you a receipt for the deposit, date, and total on it for your records and mine. i will not use or take any of the money.

the biggest problem with this type of stuff is paying for stuff like shirts, securing a discount on paint, etc. just like this year, bud is out a good bit of money for those shirts and hats for this year. and he does not think he will be able to sell them. some of us have been talking about getting custom paintball jerseys made up, like the smart parts and jt jerseys. one problem we have is a design that we like. but the biggest one is the cost. ballpark price would be 40 to 60 bucks, and i tell you what that scares me. cause i will have 60 people tell me they want one then when i order them and get a good price cause of the number of jerseys ordered and only 20 pay who gets stuck with the rest of the bill. me or i add on to everyone elses price to make up the difference. this is not fair.

i am planning on organizing the mmg 2005 trip for next year, i can tell you it will be around the 3rd weekend in july, and that it will cost around 200 bucks (camping not hotel).

so i think that instead of worrying about saving money about if we are going to stay in a hotel of a campground, we need to do some research into lodging, intrest, and so on. azzy has been helping me the last two years, and i thank him for that. 1 or 2 people helping me and azzy would be nice. if you would like to help contact me and i will tell you what i would like to do and see if you can help.

or we could just let everyone take care of themselves and just meet up in hell. meaning you take care of your registration, getting your paint, and your lodging; or would you rather go wit a group of people with a handful of your peers orvganizing it.

i guess what i am saying is i would like to organize the riverside renegades, cause if we do that, we will be awesome.

let me know what you think?

here is some good reading,

more when i find them

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:37 am 

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what color team will we be in 2005

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 3:06 pm 
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we will know then.. Bud makes that decision.

Bryan "Azzy" Spiegel

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 6:37 pm 
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Who am I?

At first I voted against Red, but then I voted for it


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 9:21 pm 
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i give up madcat who are you?

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 10:42 pm 
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1 pancake to the winner :roll:

Yes, a vote here for more organisation, and for figuring out where everyone is going to stay earlier. Maybe we can get a really good rate if we took and booked 3 or so hotel rooms?

Bryan "Azzy" Spiegel

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