Greetings all !

Any chance for regular pump-gun only games at Riverside this Fall ?
Here are some of the positives playing pump only games as I see it.
1> The "pray & spray" technique that is common in semi-auto play would be non existant. Since a pump holds fewer paintballs and the rate of fire is slower--you must take careful aim to make every shot count.
2> Limited amount of ammo held by the gun and slow rate of fire forces everybody to use stealth and strategy to win.
3> The pace of the game is a lot slower and the fire fights are a lot slower. This would be a HUGE incentive for people who always wanted to try paintball but fearful of the fast rate of fire found in a semi-auto game to give it a try. In effect a pump-gun game would be a great recruitment tool to attract new people to the sport.
4> No other paintball field in the Tri-State area has pump-gun only games. Well as far as I know.
If Riverside were to have pump-gun only games, and often, they would have no competition. They would be the ONLY pump-gun only paintball field in the Tri-State area. Something they could market on their web site as a selling point to play at the field.