i'll be there

I'm joes bud, CJ, and i know some games:
[url]KICK THE PUMPKIN[/url]-first team to kick the othe teams pumpkin wins!!!
[url]REINFORCEMENTS[/url] - like a mega game, if ur hit u go back 2 your base and tag the flag where u touch ur flag and u stay at ur base as a defender. ONLY 1 designated player is allowed to run back to their base and bring all of the defenders out of the base and back on the offensive. the one player who is set to get reinforcements can NEVER be out, if he/she is hit they go and touch their flag and they're back in. A flag is stationed in the middle of the field and the first team to return the flag wins!! game lasts 30-45 minutes
[url]CANDY HUNT[/url]-(name changed for halloween) this is kinda like predator
[url]BLACKJACK[/url]-for when everyone runs low on paint EVERYONE only has 21 paintballs in their hopper
[url]SEMI-PUMP[/url]---people can bring as much paint as they want only they can't use a hopper, every shot must be loaded by hand and only 1 paintball can be put in at a time