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 Post subject: First time at Riverside
PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 9:49 pm 
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Hey guys just wanted to say a hello. I am just getting back into paintball. I was invited to a game this Saturday at your field so I decided to check the website out and eventually found the forums.

I haven't played for 5 years but have decided to get back into things. All I currently own is a Maverick Pump but I am looking to get a spyder or Custom 98. Any suggestions?

Anyways...I was wondering what markers the field uses for their rentals (I won't purchase a new one before this Saturday...I want to make an educated purchase).

Everyone seems really cool on the forums, hopefully when I get a marker I can make a few trips down for walk-on games on the weekends.

P.S. If you guys want to PM me some insider tips on your field I wouldn't mind that so much. *evil laugh*

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:29 pm 
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No inside knowledge needed, but looks like it may be muddy, so bring boots :)

Ohhh.. maverick eh? one of my favorite guns. Got a bunch of them. Lite, versatile, easy to mod. Good stuff.

Well, all the rentals consist of VM-68's (tank of the paintball world) or PMI Piranhas of various flavors. I also have 17 Trracers to rent for those that want to play some pump games.

The PMI guns will be the same / close to a Spyder, as 90% of those type of gun perform the same out of the box. Tippman have a definite difference in feel due to the inline blowback operation, and are a bit more rugged, but less upgradeable (as if thats a bad thing).

My suggestion, ask the guys up here to try out a gun, or check it out at the chrony. You see a gun that I have and want to check it out, let me know, so I can bring it up for you (I have a few).

BTW, Welcome aboard :)

Bryan "Azzy" Spiegel

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:52 pm 
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Thanks for the reply.

The Maverick was great in it's day...that was before my friends bought spyders. LOL. But against Eagle Talons I loved it.

I am looking really hard at the Spyder Rodeo. It looks great out of the box and I can slowly upgrade it as I have the cash available. It seems the sky is the limit with upgrades too.

The Custom 98 seems great. And I love the M4 design elements. But I just think the spyder might be a better weapon.

Thanks for your input!

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:51 am 
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With most guns, your wallet is the limit for upgrades, check out some of the stuff in the tech section about that.

You cant hold the field with the Maverick? I regularly use it against players using all kinds of equipment on the field. It's all in your game, not your gun :)

Still, if you want to check out a gun, let me know. Ive got rid of a few, but still have an assortment.

Bryan "Azzy" Spiegel

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 9:02 am 
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Azzy wrote:

You cant hold the field with the Maverick? I regularly use it against players using all kinds of equipment on the field. It's all in your game, not your gun :)

HeHe. I suppose it wouldn't be too awful. But Considering I paid $115 for it used whereas I can get a Spyder Rodeo for $130 now-a-days, it is just crazy... Great to see how the sport has progressed.

Azzy wrote:

Still, if you want to check out a gun, let me know. Ive got rid of a few, but still have an assortment.

I appreciate the offer. If you have a 98 Custom up there I will definitely check that out. I will try to get one of the PMI rentals so I can get a feel for the spyder.

I am really looking foward to playing, your field looks like a blast (even more so when it is muddy).

What is the foilage like there this week?

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:42 am 
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dont think azzy has any 98 customs

but if your playing on saturday i'll be one of the refs there. 8)

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:21 pm 
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Sadly no, my only Tippman was a Tippman Ordinance greneade aluncher.

Got rid of that just recently. This weekend I will have my cocker and Hurricane (if it is working).

Might have my Stock class trracer up and running at that time.

Bringing up 1 or 2 Splatmasters as well.

Hmmmmm... might need a backup.......

Bryan "Azzy" Spiegel

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:28 pm 
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Cool, looking forward to it guys. It should be a pretty large group.

Azzy...any reason you don't like Tippman?

I think I am leaning really hard to the spyder rodeo instead of 98 Custom.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 2:12 pm 
Riverside Renegade
Riverside Renegade

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the tippmans are good guns, as are the spyders. a good 75% of us at the field have spyders of some sort or another, Azzy and I included. although i'm seeling mine, i just need the money.

I'll start with tippmans: good, rugged, durable, reliable, accurate.
but on the downside, not a ton of upgrades, hard to field strip, i've found them hard to work on sometimes.

now with spyders: good, rugged, durable, reliable accurate, easy to field strip, a ton of upgrades. really haven't found any downfalls.

just try some different guns out if you can and see what you like.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:37 pm 
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I like them, just dont have one :) I wouldnt mind getting an A5, much better than a model 98, since you do not have to buy an agitating hopper.

Pheonix, I will have to dissagree with you on the spyders. I fix at least 1 every weekend. Modern Spyders are no where near the quality of the older ones (I think the original TL+ was the last of the decent ones).

Not to mention the gun design doesnt like the super fast firing that the electronic grips give, it kills sears and hammers (strikers) after a season or 2.

Heck, I have one, and out of all my guns, it was down the most times. Granted, thats after adding on "upgrades".

The modern ones though, are no where as rugged as a model 98. I will say one thing though, if you plan on buying a 98 or A5, get a rear velocity adjuster. It is a much better way to adjust than by choking the valve.

Bryan "Azzy" Spiegel

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