Welp npt to bump my old thread but I figured this was sort of a follow up to my gun.
I now have everything and it works good. Just have to get the dot sight dialed in to a point. I also have to get this thing chronoed along with my pistol. So that may delay the sighting in.
Anyways the gun is as follows....
-Tippmann A-5
-16 inch J&J Ceramic barrel
-Special Ops A-5 M249 Saw Stock Air through Kit (Also came with the foregrip)
-Special Ops A-5 Flattop Weaver Rail
-Proteam ASR-1 Sight Rail (Modified)
-Proteam Tac Cap x 2 (Modified)
-BSA 30mm Red Dot
-Tippmann Remote Line
-Crossfire 68ci 4500psi Carbon Bottle
Now to explain the modified parts.
I needed a raised sight rail for the Dot Sight so I could use it with my mask. I then realized that it was a Dove Tail on top and all the sights I have been finding were weavers. So I ordered the A-5 Dove tail to Weaver Flat top but it didn't fit. I ended up having to grind down the dove tail on the ASR-1 till it was small enough for the rial to slip on.
It only had to be grined a bit so there there are no stablilty issues. Also I had to tapp it on with a hammer and wood block. Both the ASR-1 and the Wevaer adaptor are metal and very high quality.
Good news, its Badass looking and I didn't have to use the set screws
Bad news (sort of) it will not come back off with out pounding it off
Also the tac cap had to be modified. I bought 2 so I had an option of 30 rounds, 40 rounds and then I have the full hopper. Only one problem....
The tac cap fits in so tight that I couldn;t get it back out on the fly (mainly the smallest one). So what I did was sand down the "lock" tab so it didn;t get hung up. Now its a nice tight fit but you can twist and pull to get it out easy.
Anyways here is the picture I hop it works since I had to link it.