"If it weren't for your electro guns that are "semi automatic" you guys would be horrible."
AWWWW....sounds like someones tryin to find an excuse. Sorry Dave, our/my gun(s) are semi-automatic its just they can fire at a more continuous rate. I personally play with a straighter semi than your Gay-5. You know you have KNOWINGLY used your response or any other one of those goofy response modes so whats that say about you?
Just because we have guns that CAN shoot fast doesn't mean thats the only reason we do good...and if it is then thats just sad(for you guys).
Have fun choppin paint A-5 brothers...out-range us with your flatlines-LOL
**J/k bout the whole "Gay-5" thing, I like them, especially yours D-Von(Levi) and Duddly(Dave).
I'm not racist when it comes to equipment, so why are you guys always playin that card?
Can't we all just get along?
"you need like santa clause, tooth fairy, boogie man, and nothing but least my lilttle sisters bunny named cotton candy."---LMAO ya and you guys would need the Keebler Elf, Lucky the Leperchan, and Patches O' Hoolahan.
**can't wait for the 23rd...this is gunna be a long week.