Looking to sell my Ion, its awsome but i just got an NXT Shocker for christmass and I need sum money.
Punishers Frame w/ 15* vert mount
Deadly Wind Foehn V2-Rear bolt access
SmartParts BlackHeart Board
CP regulator
CP Blade Trigger
SP Pro-Touch Grips
SP 14" All American barrel
SP Q-Lock
SP Firebolt
New Designs On/Off
New Designs QEV
Killa Magnetic Detents
Virtue Laser Eyes
*All Exterior Parts Are Blue*
Looking for $350
I also have a NDZ S-treame trigger and an on/off unimount-both blue. MAKE AN OFFER

Post here if interested
All questions welcome

I want to do transactions either at RR or we can establish some other place if RR is not convienient for you.
I might be willing to ship if need be.
----Picks to Come-----